Intuitive sleep solutions with a caring, hands-on, supportive approach.
Scheduled Phone Consultation
Chantal facilitates great results over the phone with definitive sleep training techniques and customised sleep plans specific to your child and family circumstances.
In Home Consultation
Personalised sleep plan and followup support with a bedtime settle so you can observe and practice. Chantal’s experience and empathetic approach creates confident little sleepers.
Overnight Settling
It’s every sleep deprived parents dream. Finally get some rest while Chantal fast tracks your settling plan and gently gives you the confidence to use her hands-on, supportive, caring and consistent sleep techniques.

Chantal Cohen is certified and experienced in infant and child sleep settling with a background in Early Childhood Education.
As a mum of three, Chantal’s compassionate and understanding nature combined with hands-on, supportive, caring and consistent settling methods gives tired mums and dads the relief and reassurance they need.
For over 15 years she has been able to support exhausted, sleep deprived parents to create positive, healthy sleep habits in their children and get their evenings back!
Many families struggle with sleep time and the overwhelming sea of advice and information.
It is unlikely that sleep issues will miraculously disappear and in fact will usually lead to even bigger challenges heading towards school age.

Take the first step today.
You and your family deserve to have a healthy sleep routine.
Call or Email Chantal now and she will get you started with the right solution for your child.